Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The days of....

This was the mail sent to me by my good old friend Raghava.He is now settled in U.S of A .We were chatting about our school days and the gala time we use to have in our colony.

the days of hand-tennis
the days of 10-wicket cricket in the portico of your house
the days of King game in the colony streets
the days of Chacha Chaudhary,phantom, mandrake, Sabu, Diamond comics
the days of our walks to 'Nagara Kendra Granthaalaya' ( City central library )
the days of colony rounds in the evening during summer hols
the days of your stories about Jahangir uncle from Hyderabad
the days of tape recorders
the days of Colony Day celebrations
the days of I-Spy
the days of cricket in the colony grounds
the days/nights of our pseudo-Shivaraatri jaagaaran combined studies
the days of us practising Ramayana / Mahabharata quizes
the days of practising naaTakaas (skits)
the days of you narrating 'Shiva' story !
the days of playing Trade, Scotland Yard, bluff

how I wish I can re-live all those days again :((


Anonymous said...

Gone are the days...never comes back :(

Vc said...

Lo Lo Aaa shiva story helo.. naanu kelthini...

Anonymous said...

hosa shiva na athva hale shiva na

Pooh said...

Those were the days!! Miss them too.... those days of innocence!! :(

Anonymous said...

shiva shiva...both both

Anonymous said...

very touchy!! i wish i can see my old fren too... ^^

Mana said...

i miss them a lot:((

Kishan said...

wow! I want those days back...where can I get it....

amazing post satisha...