Monday, December 08, 2008

Can you run the country without politicians?

This was  the reaction of our former  Sleeping PM  H.D Deve gowda in response to the public outrage after Mumbai attacks .

Referring to the outburst against politicians, he took the media and the urbanites to task!!. "What nonsense is this? Why do you think only politicians are a burden? Can you run the country without politicians or without a captain or PM? Do you want autocracy and dictatorship,''

" Saaaar, We are very sorry to wake you up. Hope all the terrorists go to hell for making loud noises in mumbai and woke you up. For your kind information , our country is better off without politicians like you. With all the crores and crores of money you've made by looting people,  I think  you can settle down in switzerland or honolulu. Please take your Ogre sons also with you".

Not even God can keep me awake
You guyz think i am sleeping?..Naah i am thinking
Leave me alone guyz. I need to sleep.
See, I can do a sleep walk also
Deve gowda is one of the worst scum bag politicians india has seen. He and his worthless sons  have gobbled up people's  money . Petty theives look like  saints in front of these guys

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Am I seeing a light at the end of the tunnel or is it just an Illusion?.

Frustration , anger , depression these are the emotions i am going through from last few days . I have left my country 15 months back but still coudnt leave my love for this country.  Coudnt sleep when mumbai was bleeding. I am moving towards atheism but still i said "Please God".  When it ended i said "Thank God".

Has the people's anger reached its height? or is it just a short term memory. I find India's media  very immature and medicore. Politicians are Elected terrorists. People are dying . No security no infrastructure nothing. Our country is crumbling.

The more i see the societal awareness in this country the more i hate ours. When will we rise above petty issues. When will we stop being racists. According to me indians are the most racist people in the world. They fight for language, religion, Region, Caste and Etc. 

I hope, hope is not a mirage in this Anarchic desert.