Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wicked Humans Kill an Innocent Animal

Bozo the clowns that is " Our indian Public" and pea brained scumbags that is forest department officials and police department people pounced on an innocent Leopard and throwed stones on it, Hit it with lathis. The poor animal succumbed to the stress and injuries. 

The unsuspecting animal which is a resident of small sanctuary like forest around chamundi hills accidentally strayed into the City limits of Mysore . Humans turned into animals after seeing it and started chasing it. The leopard panicked and went into a bush . People crowded around the bush and started throwing stones. With no way to escape the leopard had to attack some people and in confusion ran towards police head quarters compound instead of Forest. Blood thirsty people didnt leave it alone  there also . They chased it into the compound too. And eventually after fighting for many hours it died of stress, excess bleeding and injuries inflicted on by a mob.
The Headless wonders from police department could've controlled the crowds and these Brainless twits from forest deparment could've handled the situation more maturedly instead of chasing it around and panicking it.
I dont have any doubts in my mind about the extinction of wild life in india. All these beautiful beasts will one day be found only in Zoo's and indian jungles ( If they survive the slaughter from Butcher people) will be like old empty dilapitated haunted Houses.
Now looking at this picture brought tears into my eyes. This is the height of cruelty.  These people should be subjected to chinese torture . These people should be stoned  and hit with lathis till they die.



I agree - When will these wicked humans all over the globe who torture, murder and abuse animals be punished? We can't give up. Beware of Mankind! Save the Animals from the exploitation, pain and terror of man/womankind.

Mana said...

People are disgusting... They don't live n don't let others survive...

Rochelle said...

i'm lost for words...

satishds said...

@jew at the beach : I dont know when animals will be treated with respect all over the world. Hope that does happen one day.

@Manasa: Live and let live concept is long dead in humans

@Rochelle: Me too

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